Emilia Romagna Castles

National Fair of the Prized White Truffle

Comune di Sant'Agata Feltria

Events may be subject to change, always contact organizers before going to the venue.

The Fair proposes the valorisation of typical products, selecting excellences, first and foremost the prized white truffle. Directly from our territory, from its natural habitat, the woods, the precious tuber is transformed in the kitchen to create dishes of high gastronomic value, releasing inebriating aromas far removed from the globalisation that often overwhelms us, to safeguard the integrity of our environment.

On Sundays in October, Sant'Agata is transformed into a place where one can immerse oneself in an evocative and fragrant atmosphere, stroll through the streets and squares and admire the many typical products on display. There is the wine tour, which brings representative wineries on stage, and the truffle dog competition, to experience live the exciting moment of searching for the precious tuber in the company of the faithful dog.

A visit to the town is also an opportunity to admire the ancient monuments of high architectural value: the Angelo Mariani Theatre, Rocca Fregoso, the Convent of San Girolamo, and the art fountains.


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