Emilia Romagna Castles


'Sources of Light': Nativity Scene at Sapignoli Mill 2024

Comune di Poggio Torriana

Events may be subject to change, always contact organizers before going to the venue.

On Sunday 8 December, the charm of Christmas returns to the ancient Sapignoli Mill Museum in Poggio Torriana!

In the setting of the Sapignoli Mill Museum, the appointment with the
traditional Christmas Crib: a project supported by the municipal administration with the collaboration of the Friends of Sapignoli Mill Association.

This 2024 edition of the Crib at the Mill "Sources of Light" has been entrusted to Poggio Torriana artist Alberto Celli with the support of the Municipality of Poggio Torriana and the collaboration of the Association "Gli amici del Mulino Sapignoli - APS".

On the occasion of the inauguration on Sunday 8 at 3.30 p.m., the animation film for families "Polar express" by Robert Zemeckis will be shown at the Social Centre, via Costa del Macello n. 8 (loc. Poggio Berni).
For the screening of the film, reservations are appreciated at 0541/688273 or at a.teodorani@comune.poggiotorriana.rn.it.

At 5.15 p.m. instead, there will be the traditional torchlight procession accompanied by the classic notes of the bagpipe played by our friend Piero Tappi to the Sapignoli Mill Museum to admire the artistic installation and enjoy a chocolate and mulled wine snack for all.

On the holidays 15, 22, 26 December and 6-19 January from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., it will be possible to take part in free guided tours of the museum by 'Gli Amici del Mulino Sapignoli'.

For info:
Municipal Library - 0541/688273
Urp - 0541/629701The Friends of Sapignoli Mill - 339/4228831, 338/9692218


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