Emilia Romagna Castles


Visit Castrocaro Terme e Terra del Sole

Events may be subject to change, always contact organizers before going to the venue.

Tesori Aperti (Open Treasures), the event celebrating the historical and cultural heritage of Castrocaro Terme and Terra del Sole, returns again this year. A weekend dedicated to the discovery of places that are usually inaccessible, exceptionally open to the public to reveal their beauty and history. Through visits, narrations and meetings, visitors will be able to immerse themselves in the identity of a territory rich in charm and tradition.

The initiative will take place in conjunction with the Feast of the "Madonna dei Fiori", a unique opportunity to experience the atmosphere of the village in celebration.

Details and full programme will be available soon!

starting from 10.00 €

View schedules on highlighted days by clicking on them
+39 0543769631 - +39 3505193970
Via G. Garibaldi n.46, 47011, Castrocaro Terme e Terra del Sole, (FC)

Sabato: dalle 9:00 alle 15:00
Domenica: dalle 9:00 alle 12:30

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