
Emilia -
Piacenza -
Distance to the main town
25 km - Where it is
- Don't miss
- On the table
- Keeping fit
- Significant appointments
- In the surroundings
- Castles in the territory
- Monuments in the territory
- For more information
Where it is
Between the plains and the hills, Agazzano is situated along the Luretta river, in the South-Eastern area of Piacenza province.
Don't miss
Agazzano Castle, made of a military fortress first built in the 13th century, then modified in 1475, and a residence belonging to the 18th century are certainly the most important points of interest. The Scotti family, whose protagonist was Alberto, the first to be called Sir of Piacenza, conquered and kept power in this area from the 13th century, as seen by the old fortress. After the death of their last heir this family joined the Anguissola and opened to Gonzaga's family, who still owns the castle.
A castle can't be without a ghost and Agazzano has got it. He was called Pier Maria Scotti, best known as "il buso"(the hole) because of the wounds he caused during battles.
The Castle belongs to the Castles of the Duchy circuit.
Another "must do" is to take a break in the traditional café on the central square, open since 1890, recently restored combining traditional and new styles.
Keeping fit
In the municipality and around it there are riding schools, which offer horseback riding and trekking experiences.
Significant appointments
The traditional fair takes place during the Ascension weekend in May, while in the surrounding area the Momeliano Fair at the beginning of August is renowned because of its fireworks display, dance hall and walks.
In the surroundings
"Must see" in the surrounding area: Madonna del Pilastrello Sanctuary, the Castles of Boffalora (private), Momeliano and Lisignano and Villa Tavernago (hotel and villa for receptions). All of them are visible from the outside. This area is part of the so called "Strada dei Sapori e dei Colli Piacentini" (Road of Flavors and Piacenza Hills).
Monuments in the territory