Rocca Sanvitale
Three are the jewels of the Rocca Sanvitale of Fontanellato, still fully furnished with antique furniture and furnishings: here it is possible to visit the only Camera Optic in operation in Italy, inside which a mirror system reflects the image of the square in front of it. a screen; here is the fresco by Parmigianino in the Saletta di Diana and Atteone painted in 1523, a masterpiece of Italian Mannerism; the Banner of the Blessed Virgin of Fontanellato large drape in red damask 5 meters long and 4 meters high dated between 1654 and 1656. Its shape and the years of its execution have also led to its use as a ship flag - a Galera - led by a nobleman Sanvitale, as attested by some documents, which crossed the Mediterranean Sea during the war of Candia. The Rocca Sanvitale Museum in Fontanellato, one of the first in Italy, gives the unique opportunity - outside of the normal visiting hours of the castle - to admire also "in solitude" the famous Camera Picta, the fresco by Parmigianino (with reservation obligatory, alone, or in pairs, sitting inside the room, without any explanation of guides, no noises around, without other people).