Castello di Rivalta
The Castle of Rivalta, or Ripa Alta, is situated at the entrance of the Val Trebbia. Visitors can see it on the right of highway 45, when it goes up towards Bobbio and Penice, before reaching Genova and the coast.
In the medieval village around the Castle there are many facilites: the Hotel Residenza Torre di San Martino, lovely cottages for high quality hospitality, traditional Restaurants, the Caffè di Rivalta Bistrot, small shops of handmade objects and the ancient Church.
Nowadays, thanks to the restoration and the development of the entire complex, the Castle of Rivalta has become an elegant residence.
The castle is frequently visited by celebrities visiting Italy, such as the Royal Families of Britain, Sweden, and Holland. In the past, Princess Margaret of England spent her Summers in the castle for over ten years as a guest of the House of Landi.
The Castle of Rivalta contains fifty rooms: one side is open to guided tours while the other is used by the owners. Visitors can enter many rooms: the honor hall, the dining room, the copper kitchen, the old wine cellar, the prisons, the bedrooms, the tower, the weapons room, the gallery, the billiard room and the war museum.
On the entrance façade of the castle you can read the motto of the Landis family: "Svevo Sanguine Laeta" (Honored by the blood of the Suevian), symbol of the union between the Landis family and the powerful Imperial House of the Suebi, gained through a marriage in the XIII century.